
We expedite your AI business!

Looking for quality data? We offer a one-stop solution to purchase quality data from legit data owners

About Us

Who We Are

We strive to provide businesses with viable and value-creating solutions in data asset management in the ever evolving digital  world, especially in the applications of artificial intelligence technology.

What We Aspire To

We contribute to the betterment of the  speedy development of data asset management in China and the World. We serve to build the philosophy and culture of data asset  management.

How We Do it

We identify trends and share insights of the data asset demand and supply in China and other parts of the World.  We use our exclusive knowledge, skillsets, expertise and tools to help our clients strategize and leverage data assets as valuable asset class.

What We Deliver

We provide advice and manage clients’ data assets to increase their intrinsic and tradable value , co-create worthy processes and data wealthiness in their data assets portfolios. We share the true value of data assets of our clients on a well earned and reasonable basis.

Our services

Data Procurement

If you have an AI model and looking for quality data to increase the function and accuracy, we can provide the best data procurement strategy to expedite the growth of your AI model.

Data Asset Strategy

From traditional business to technology startups, we formulate your data asset strategy to ascertain you maximise the profitability of your data.

Data Value Creation

From raw data to data asset valuation, we provide a comprehensive solution to discover the hidden value of the data produce in your business operation.

What people are saying

Data is the new oil. Like oil, data is valuable, but if unrefined it cannot really be used.

Nisha Talagala
Picture of a person typing on a typewriter.